Lumbered Miles

The week thus far has been void of major miles.1 There has only been one ride so far and that clocked in at just over 29 miles. There were also two 3 mile interval runs lumbers on the treadmill due to time restraints, weather, and a twist of end of summer ennui.

Even though there was only one ride so far, it was a good one, and I spent a good deal of time taking photos and enjoying the cooler temperatures we’ve been experiencing here in mid-Michigan.


The unplanned time on the treadmill was reasonably good too. Despite my girth, I felt pretty darn OK during my sprint intervals. Thank God there are no mirrors near the treadmill because I would hate to see what I look like sprinting at 8 MPH: waves of flaccid abdominal flesh flapping, gasping, sweating and the occasional shout of “Oh God!!” I suppose the words above could also describe me during sex. Jesus H.!! No wonder it takes 5 beers and a dozen roses to entice Wifey these days!!


As soon as I finish my coffee and hit publish on this dross, I’m gonna get my shit together for a mountain bike ride at MMCC. It’s been a while since my wheels rolled real dirt. Looking forward to it.




  1. Is it just me or does Major Miles sound like a character from the book Catch-22?

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