Non Informative Dross


It seems like it’s been forever since I last rode my bike (or at least a week).

Many things have got in the way of rolling two-wheeled goodness: work, weather, fishing, travel, family, soccer football tournaments (as you can see from B taking a free kick in the pic above), soccer football board meetings (for which I am a now a “member at large” or at least a large member), laziness, drunkenness, and more. It’s made me sort of a dick to be around, but it’s also been really, really fun and cool at the same time (in between bouts of feeling like a non-riding fat fuckwad).

Thankfully, after about a week without a ride, I hit some joyful post work dirt with my co-workers and friends in Alma, Michigan of all places.


The Alma Mountain Bike Trail (better known around the shop and by many mountain biking locals as “Sally’s Trail”) is a sub-four mile loop right in Alma; a rural Michigan, college town with no mountains and no hills. But what Sally’s Trail–so named for the woman (Sally) who maintains and manicures the trail–lacks in climbing, it makes up for with buff, tight, twisty, turny, curvy singletrack goodness. Did I say twisty? Bravo Sally, well done!!

Today was the first time I ever rode Sally’s Trail and I have to say it was a good time; even for someone like me who corners on a mountain bike like a three-legged, pregnant cow with an infected mangina! And there are a LOT of corners to bust out my three legged, bovine, infected mangina-ness.


Is writing penis out better than drawing one? It’s a lose/lose if you ask me.

Then I did what seems to be the norm for me when riding new trails; I clipped a tree on our 4th and final lap and thus had to endure the mocking of my friendm boss and bearded turd monger Napper for the rest of the evening… Jerk!

The next three or four days I don’t have to work at the shop and B’s soccer football season is now over, so I hope to hang with B-Man and Wifey, ride some bikes, see some friends visiting from out-of-town, drink a few pints, eat some food, and play catch up on some things; including this crap blog.


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