Squeezing It All In


With time on my hands the past couple of weeks I have been trying to squeeze in a bunch of stuff before fall arrives: riding, hiking with Wifey, picture takin’, hanging out with the boy, fishing, catching up on all my normal house stuff and getting some estimates for some home improvements we need done before/if/when we decide to move to another part of the MP area. Not all of that is fun, but it’s not all that bad either. It really the least I can do whilst Wifey is out slaying figurative bacon to bring home. Not to mention the stuff that IS fun is PRETTY FREAKING FUN and I am lucky to be able to do it. The crap parts are just things that everyone has to deal with.

Since this blog is not about the crap parts of my life (everyone has more than their own share of crap) I choose to talk about the stuff that brings me the most joy: riding, soccer football, B-Man, Wifey, beer, boobs and food. If you want, I can start writing about spending time with contractors, grocery shopping and doing laundry, but I don’t think you’ll be that interested.


Hay bale graveyard.

Anyway, after a super busy summer, B-Man has had a week or so with not much going on. So last night he asked if we could go for a ride today or go over to the kicking wall at the park to practice footy. That sounded good to me, so this morning while he was still sleeping I slipped out for a quick Better Than The Trainer Ride (12″ dirt road remix edition) and got home in plenty of time to make up some White Trash Chinese food for lunch and do some other shit before we headed over to the fields to kick about [his choice].


I’ve done today’s ride a million [not really] times before: one long stretch of pavement and dirt north, head west and then turn south for one long stretch of dirt and pavement home. The only challenging thing about the ride is deciding how hard you want to push yourself. You can make it as hard or as easy as you want. Today I opted for mostly hard with a touch of easy.

After two dirt road rides on the Farley, it felt great to be back on the Boone. I felt like I was flying with each pedal stroke, rather than lurching along like a dead slug.

One of my favorite things about riding dirt and gravel roads in when you are pushing up a long “hill” and over the crest of the hill you can barely see the tops of silos and barns. I’m not sure why I dig that, I just do [see pic just above].

Not sure what the rest of the week holds, but if the weather is anything like it’s been the past few days, I am sure it will be tits. Whether I’m riding, fishing, hiking, doing laundry, mowing grass or talking to some dude about my aging deck for two hours. It’ll be good. Summer in Michiganderburgh is pretty awesome. I never enjoyed summer’s like this back in PA. Sure they were warm, muggy and hot, but there just seems to be a bit way more sun and way less rain here, which makes it seems all the more like a real summer. Yes, the late fall, winter and spring seem like you are living in the Arctic Circle/hell on earth but the summer…. oh…. the summer… PLEASE DON’T GO! If we could JUST get some goddamn mountains here. Sigh…


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