Archive | April, 2015

Things I’m High On


I know the title of this post suggests that this post is going to be about various sorts of glues, gases, pills, herbs and beverages that I may or may not be using to get high. As it is, I am on nothing. Sorry. But since Monday the weather has thrown me a bit of a velo-cock block and forced me to the Stankment and the trainer, so I figured I would waste your time talking about some things that I am digging right now, both on and off the bike.

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A Make Up Ride


After a piss-poor, windy and cold ride on Saturday I was in need of a good ride. I had hoped that would have come on Sunday but waking up to an inch of so of heavy, wet, sloppy snow changed my mind and had me hunkering down to watch football and make a VERY nontraditional Easter supper of meatball sandwiches and oven fries. Thankfully I was able to make up for weekend’s lack of quality enjoyable riding with a semi-good ride today.

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A Friday Roll


Over the past couple of weeks, we have had more than our share of sunny days and blue skies here in Michiganderburgh. I have no idea why, but I’ll take it. Granted we’ve yet to see temperatures above 60˚, but bright sun and blue sky at least 95% of the time is pretty sweet for this transplant who was raised on Joe DeNardo predicted Western Pennsylvania “partly cloudy skies with a chance of showers.” However, today was NOT one of those days. It was damp and chilly and everything–and I mean EVERYTHING–was various shades of fecal matter brown, baby vomit, and slate gray.

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A Quick Roll


After three days of failed ride attempts (the trainer doesn’t count), I was able to get out for a shortish ride that was mostly pavement with a five mile stretch of dirt roads thrown in (mostly due to the fact that the pavement changed to dirt and I had no other choice).

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