Five Years in Seven Days

I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that at this time last week, I was en route from Michigan to my late father’s house in Pennsylvania to help my family clean out and dumpster the plethora of junk in it. Since then, I’ve come back to Michigan on Monday, found out my mother-in-law passed away that evening, returned to Pennsylvania on Thursday for the service, and BACK to Michigan on Friday.

The rollercoaster of emotions between two different family deaths and miles traveled has me feeling like I’ve lived five different years in one week.

Having said that, I did it, er, WE did it, meaning my family and I. And it’s over.

My brain hurt like a warehouse; it had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things to store everything in there.

All that emotion, grief, stress, and travel also has my body feeling like it’s been run over by a steamroller.

We’ve got five years; my brain hurts a lot.

As I type this Saturday morning, it’s still dark, raining, windy, and my heart wants to be in the woods lumbering around with my camera, but what mind I have left knows that a full day of rest, stretching, hydrating, eating right, and un-fucking my mind with some beers and football is what’s needed before I do.

I should probably also get around to tending to all the clothes that I’ve washed during my brief moments home this week and didn’t have time to fold. I also plan on staring into nothingness and listening to some Bowie on the Hi-Fi at high volumes as Wifey hurls herself back home to Michigan. I miss her.



This song has a way of making me emotional even in the best of moods. The line below is the one that crushes me every gahdamn time. Long story.

I kiss you, you’re beautiful, I want you to walk.


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