A Nothing Weekend

The good AND bad thing about having your own business and being an under/unemployed house husband is that if you don’t get a good ride in on the weekend, it’s really no big deal… Monday will be just as good. Such was the case this weekend.

A storm moved through on Saturday morning. and squashed my interest in riding the dirt roads or trails, but boosted my interest in driving 25 minutes south to Ithaca to shoot some pics at a cross race. There was NO way I was going to watch people ride laps in a park if it was good weather (yawn), but the prospect of rain at least made it more interesting. Too bad there wasn’t more, shit was still dry. Booo.


The great thing about going to and taking pics at CX races, oppose to XC or endurance races, is that at no time to I get the urge to be out there racing. Watching cross is like watching a road race; I dig that folks are racing bikes, but my urge to be involved is at level sub-zero. I suppose it’s what watching gay porn would be like… “Good for those guys doing their thing. Yikes, I’m so glad that’s not me.”  Anyway, I took a bunch of pics. Hardly any turned out, then I spent my Sunday over processing them in a variety programs to salvage them. Meh. Actually, I was happy with a few but I have a lot to learn.

The highlight of my weekend was B-Man’s first MP Soccer Club game on Sunday. B did his best Steven Gerrard imitation, playing solid midfield for the U-10 MP Soccer Club as they went on to a 7-3 victory over Freeland. (Bonus: MP’s pre-uniform delivery T-shirts make his hair “pop.”


The other highlight (although a bit lame) of my weekend was scoring another Cannon S95 on eBay to replace the one I have that has a scratch/smudge on the lens from when it took a spill in the mud at a cross race last year. A repair from Cannon was going to cost a minimum of $160. I got a hardly used one for $165. Score. At least I think so.

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