Better Than It Could Have Been


Today, the wind was gusting hard and at times sounded like a freight train roaring past the house… it was the perfect day to seek refuge in the woods.

My back continues to be an on and off again mess when off the bike (you know, like walking or standing for more than 15 minutes) but on the bike it continues to make some progress. While I feel that I am lacking the power that I had just a month ago (on the mountain bike), my rides are getting better and today I rode at a moderate to easy pace for just under two hours, only stopping to clear some windfall, step over a fallen tree (putting my foot into a rotting stump, possibly killing an entire chipmunk family in the progress) and make a slight trail side cleat adjustment.


Fucking cleats man, you make one adjustment, you make forty more trying to find your happy place.

While I still am not all that comfortable on the bike, it is getting better. I suppose getting a proper bike fit or actually GOING to a doctor to get some x-rays or an MRI might be more helpful than my routine of haphazard position adjustments, ghetto stretching and core work combined with drinking beer, bitching and fretting that I might have some sort of back tumor or degenerative disc condition.

Anyway, today’s ride wasn’t great, but it was better than it could have been given the current state of my mind and spine.


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