
Dumping Gear


The winds were pretty fierce on Sunday so I aborted a planned, post soccer match dirt road ride with a couple of friends. They were still riding, choosing to head into the woods to ride singletrack, but I really had no desire to beat my myself into submission and embarrass myself trying to stay on their wheels all afternoon. Instead I opted to skulk around the house, have some beers and inventory all the gear that I want to sell [including the Velocity Blunt SL Comp wheels seen above].

The list of bike parts, frames and crap is rapidly growing and in the coming days may even grow to include every bike I own but the Farley and the Boone. I’m mostly joking of course, but you never know. Funny thing is, as I sell more bike shit, I find myself more inclined to save for a camera that I’m lusting for instead reinvesting in a different bike or parts as I’ve done in the past.


Pretty soon I’ll be riding around on a bike like the one above that I saw in town yesterday. That thing has a lot of flair going on, but sadly the flat rear tire renders it pretty useless until fixed.

I had sort of a lot of stuff I needed/wanted done today, including multiple eBay listings, so I opted out of riding (big surprise). The winds were pretty gusty again, so I didn’t feel all that bad about it. Hoping to get out and do something tomorrow. I’m also really hoping for a giant motivational enema to have me wanting to ride or race my mountain bike again. If not I’ll just keep on doin’ what I do.


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