

I spent a rainy Thursday packing up some kitchen stuff for our coming move. Of course I encountered more than a few race pint glasses. I’m sure there were more at some point, but various moves and breaks controlled the population.

Not that I don’t like a free pint glass, but I admit I miss the race t-shirt. These days it seems the race T is dying off. Some races charge extra for them, which I find hard to believe. Given that I’ve had many a t-shirt printed, and know the pricing, it seems pretty crap to charge. If it’s a small race, then I of course understand, but I’ve seen races that charge $50 to $100 or more for an entry and sale their race Ts instead of  giving you one. I’d rather they not even offer.

Oh the old days of racing with mid-pack finishes, free ugly t-shirts, and post race kegs that required no tickets. Sigh…  Of course these days I’d pay $400 to enter a race if I thought I could race it and not make a complete fat fool of myself.

Since the pint glasses are out, I might as well fill one up with a frosty beverage.


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