4 Out of 5

Thursday brought another “early for me” ride on dirt roads. As much as I would like to come up with something to make the ride sound like it was more than it was, I can’t.

What I will say, is that it was my 4th ride in 5 days1. That is sort of unprecedented in these days of beer-fueled slack and beyond dad bod chubbiness (B.D.B.C™). Sure, it took me four rides to go over 100 miles, but I’m trying to look at the bigger picture here! First I need to figure out what the hell that picture is.

Regardless of clarity of that picture, I guess I have to be happy that I’m getting out riding, especially after a week or so of intense heat and a lack of desire to be out in it.

I need to get some stuff done today, so my plan is to get that shit done and then try to squeeze a quick woodsy hike in. A hike in which I will no doubt be fighting mosquitos off with a stick and a very large can of Off as I stomp through the woods with my camera. Then I will await the return of Wifey and B from WPA.


  1. Of course I forgot my computer on one of the rides, so it feels like it never really happened.

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