Of Suns and Sons

I ended my last post by saying that I was about to head out onto the front porch to enjoy another cup of coffee and watch the sunrise. And I did, but it sort of hilariously went pear-shaped.

As I sat, sipped, and pondered, waiting for the first rays of the sun to crest the trees to the east I could hear the sounds of the road workers in the distance, returning to tidy up after removing the top layers of asphalt from our neighborhood’s street the day before.

My first reaction was a tinge of guilt; I’m out here sippin’ coffee, and these dudes are back working on a Saturday morning? They just went home 14 hours ago! I hope they’re gettin’ overtime pay!

After coming to terms with that, I continued watching the geese fly over and waiting for those wonderful, warm, orange rays of light to hit me in the face. All the while, the roar of the street cleaner’s brushes came closer and closer. It was now a race between the sun and the street cleaner.

I was Team Sun and put all my money on the 4.6 billion-year-old star to best the diesel-powered cacophony approaching.

I was sure of my bet until, out of the corner of my eye, I could see the safety lights of the cleaners reflecting in a neighbor’s front window.

“C’MON SUN!!!!!” I nervously thought as I edged to the front of my seat, willing those beams of light to pop up in front of me.

My head swiveled from the left to the front. Left to the front. Left to the front.

Still, the roar came closer, and now the hulking, wheeled vacuum cleaner and its little brother, the sweeper, were in view and creeping closer.

Here it comes, here comes the sun, the first light was just about to shoot over the tops of the trees…


The hot beams of sunlight hit me in the face just as a giant mushroom cloud of dust and debris blew into the air, and the roar of the trucks set my tinnitus off like a burglar alarm. It was a simultaneous orgasm of noise, dust, and warm sunlight.

I couldn’t help but start giggling out loud because the whole thing was such a contrast to the morning tranquility I sought!

The bright light of the sun was immediately dulled and shrouded by dust as I stood up, tipped an imaginary cap of thanks to the workers for their Saturday efforts, took a last sip of coffee, and retreated indoors to escape the dust, put on the football, and make a big-as-your-face breakfast burrito.

OK. Now I can start my Saturday.

After breakfast, watching my Spurs come back to beat Brentford 3-1, showering, and sexy time, Wifey and I headed down to East Lansing for a late lunch with B.

This lunch would mark only my 3rd time eating in a restaurant this calendar year, and two of those three times were in the same place, with the same two people.

It was great to see B, and if there is one person in the world who can make me put my anti-social reclusiveness aside for a bit, it’s him. And that will always be the case; he’s my son, I love him, and I will be there for him whether he’s an hour away or half a world away.

B looked and sounded great, and his classes are going amazing. He was able to give us some sneak previews of some of the collaborative class film projects that are in the works, and we’re both stoked to see the final edits come the end of the semester.

Whether it’s academics, sports, or relationships when you see your kid thriving and in their element, there is no better feeling. As Wifey and I made our way back home later that afternoon, it was hard to wipe the smiles off our faces or get us to stop talking about him.

The day started by laughing with the sun and ended with smiles with my son. That’s a good Saturday.


Creative Note: The above “photo” was ironically taken on Sunday, and there was no sun, just clouds, and some raindrops. So, I had to pull some old school Photoshop wizardry out of my flaccid buttocks.

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