A Hike & Some Critters

Monday’s early morning 5-mile run in the hot and humid woods really zapped my energy, so I knew that on Tuesday, I would need to dial shit back a little bit and lumber.

Thunderstorms made for a perfect way to enjoy coffee on the porch this morning but did nothing to lower the humidity in the woods, and once again, I was DRENCHED from my head to my toes with sweat that smelled like beer, cheese, bug spray, and failure.

Despite the relentless humidity in the woods, it was nice to get out and get another 5+ miles in my feetz to start the day.

As you can probably see, I had some luck with my camera when, at about the halfway point of the lumber saw a hawk on the other side of the river.

I took a few snaps of it perched in the tree, giving me some stink eye, but I missed the money shot when it took off due to incompetence.

Without my readers, I really thought I may have got an immature bald eagle, but once I got home, saw the files, and consulted the Google, it became clear that it was a Broad-winged Hawk. Either way, I love me some birds of prey. Not sure it was crazy about me though.

After what seems like weeks of failing to get some quality critter pics, it was cool to get some captures today.



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