A Look At City Cross


I am not much of a cross racer, OK, I am not one at all. It seems I often miss “the point” of cross, along with wanting to avoid all the machismo and fisticuffs that seem so prevalent in the sport of late (at least on ‘merican soil), but I know something that looks painfully fun when I see it… like the Morvélo City Cross in Halifax, England. Check out the video from this year’s race–

I gotta say, that looks like it would be a super fun time (if you are into “fun” and ridin’ bikes). Then again, maybe I am just biased due to the amount of mountain bikers in the video, a Jamie T song was used as the video’s soundtrack and after watching it, I think I might have a wee creepy, old man crush on Maxine Filby (she’s over 18, right?).


Top phots is the copyright of Joolze Dymond, joolzedymond.com. She’s a badass photographer from England and helped me out a couple times with XXC Magazine before it shit the bed.

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