A Lost Weekend

The past few days have been filled with lots of things. Lots of things that were in no way me riding my bike. That sucks. Actually, that rocked.


What, WHAT?

Yeah, no bike ridin’, but plenty of pretty darn. OK times. Bike ridin’ is swell, but so are lots of other things. Like getting the chance to have a rare date night, doing some hiking with Wifey, going out with some friends as a couple, watching playoff baseball, spending the day sitting in the rain watching B-Man’s soccer team and seeing him score his first goal of the season.

To be honest, a weekend off the bike was made MUCH easier due to the fact that it pissed down rain from mid-day Friday through Sunday. That was OK though, ’cause that made our hike in the woods pretty cool and really brought out the toad-like creatures and ‘shrooms…








That was pretty much the hike. After that it was home to shower up and meet up with some friends at their house. I would post some pics of me drinking gin and tonics and watching the Tigers, but I’m not sure that is visually appealing, so I will just post pic of B-Man dropping back to defend during Sunday’s match vs. Freeland and call it a day.


This coming week I need to get some fall miles in. I might have the chance to test out a different mountain bike this week as well as FINALLY get my dirt road mountain bike rolling. As much as a few days of not riding is pretty OK, a week of riding is always better.

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