A Make Up Ride


After a piss-poor, windy and cold ride on Saturday I was in need of a good ride. I had hoped that would have come on Sunday but waking up to an inch of so of heavy, wet, sloppy snow changed my mind and had me hunkering down to watch football and make a VERY nontraditional Easter supper of meatball sandwiches and oven fries. Thankfully I was able to make up for weekend’s lack of quality enjoyable riding with a semi-good ride today.

At first I didn’t even know if I could squeeze in a ride today, but then as the time crept towards noon, it looked like I could. So I stuffed my flab down in my bibs, grabbed the Jake (The Snake) and got out for a ride before anything got in my way, especially my slack attitude.


As is my want of late, the ride was nothing all that long or intense, but it was nice 27 mile ride right from my back door on some pavement and a lot of dirt roads. Dirt roads that alternated between being hard packed and fast, a muddy mess from Sunday morning’s wet snow, and deep with fresh dirt which was being laid down and graded by the county today [as seen in the top photo and in the photo directly below captured by Love Handle Cam II].


While things weren’t exactly warm, it was way nicer than Saturday and there was way less wind. Still wind of course, after all this IS Michiganderburgh, but much better and with way less mind-fornication.


I hit up some dirt roads that I usually leave out of my normal loop square, and they gifted me with some fresh barns to snap some pics of as I rode by. Once the roads get a little dryer, I hope to hit up some of the same roads with my good camera to see if I can grab something better.


It seems that the MMCC trails 25 minutes north of town are finally in condition to ride and I am anxious to get on them, but since I still have mud from last fall on both my mountain bikes, four soft tires with little to no sealant in them and one bike minus pedals and a seat post, I’m gonna hold off for a few days until I can get them cleaned up and get down to the shop to fetch some goo, some more lube and get my brakes bled. Of course by then they are calling for rain. Oh well, at least I’m getting out on my bike, nothing wrong with that.


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