Author Archive | soiledchamois

Finish With a Whimper

Somedays, you just know something is going to hurt, and other days you don’t. I thought today would be just another “run” and be consistent with other recent runs. Sadly, it was much less than that. But it was still something.

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Deletes, Deer, Chicken, and Lumbers

I wrote a bunch of stuff today but deleted it because it violated the guidelines I’ve been TRYING to keep in place regarding the shit that goes on in my brain, aiming to keep me miserable. As the saying goes, “Not today, Satan. But I’m free tomorrow around 3; bring beer.”

Instead, let’s talk lumbers.

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Basking in Consistency

Once again, I was on the trail as the sun rose this morning, this time for a 5-mile “run” on my original run loop to gauge progress.

The temps were in the high 40s, and I debated on whether to wear long sleeves or not, but then I looked at my hulking body in the mirror and remembered how much sweat I put out. I stuck with the short sleeves.

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The Fall Before The Fall

It seems like yesterday (or six days ago) when I was so overheated and drenched with sweat that I needed to stop by a trailside artesian well to douse myself with water to cool down, and today it was 45˚ when I got feetz on trail as the sun was rising. Shit.

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Making Luck & White Whales

I was up early and on the trails by 7:00 Saturday morning for a short 3-mile lumber that would put me over my 25-mile goal for the week and have me home in time for coffee, a giant homemade breakfast burrito, and to see most of the first Premier League match this morning; joyously watching Arsenal lose out on all three points and draw against Brighton.

I was happy to hit my goal and to see Arsenal drop two points, but I was even happier with a shot I got today.

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A Post-Slack Day Lumber

After Thursday’s Day of Slack, I was looking forward to returning to the woods for some miles on Friday morning.

My plan was a longer lumber (no running) in an attempt to make up for some miles missed on Thursday and also set up Saturday’s final lumber/run of the week as a short one so I can get it done and back home for breakfast (coffee and a Big as Your Head homemade breakfast burrito) and Premier League footy, as well as avoid the weekend dog shitters, river tubers, and Labor Day Weekend Laborers.

I’m pretty sure I did it.

The rest did wonders for my legs, and some of the little aches and pains I felt Thursday were now gone, and despite the continued high humidity, I got 7.28 miles on my feetz and took a few photos along the way.

I was happy to get back to some longer hikes, and today’s marked my longest lumber since a 7-miler back in March. That was a real indication of how this summer’s injuries set me back. Having said that, I was doing 6-mile hikes pretty consistently and getting 30 miles a week for a good couple of months. I was also happy because when I made it back to Escape II at the trailhead, I felt like I could have kept on going, only I hadn’t eaten breakfast, and my gut was telling me it was egg and toast time.


Obviously, you didn’t love grammar; it’s Deerz.

Actually, I should have said those injuries set me forward because those same injuries also motivated me to start running more consistently, and as a result, I feel better than I have in years, both physically and mentally. Mostly physically.

Only 2.27 miles are between me and this week’s 25-mile goal.

NOTE: For today’s hike I took the Nikon z50 and the Nikon Z mount 28mm f2.8 (42-ish MM on the z50). I want to like this lens, but I can’t say I do. At least on the z50.


A Slack-ish Day

After 15 miles and three days of running and lumbering in heat and humidity, I was stoked when I took the dogs out this morning and felt cooler temps. It felt great to breathe dry(er) air again. Well, at least until Jake dropped a dook. Then things got humid and stank real fast.

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Hard Things Aren’t Easy

After I was done spewing the decaying shit in my brain to the O.G. Mindbender last week, we were talking casually, and I mentioned my somewhat steady improved attempts at running and how much of a mental rub and a tug it’s been for me. She was complimentary, but as with many therapists, I could tell she wasn’t extremely impressed.

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Shrooms, Tramps, & Fakes

I rebounded from yesterday’s hot and humid “run” nicely and was eager to get into the woods this morning for some photo creeping and lumbering.

But first, I had to wait for Ma Nature to stop the thunderstorms as well as for it to get light out.

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