Part I: Pain and Miles
It’s been a month since the Dog Dirt Incident, and while my foot is void of all bruising, the pain and swelling are the same, if not worse.
Part I: Pain and Miles
It’s been a month since the Dog Dirt Incident, and while my foot is void of all bruising, the pain and swelling are the same, if not worse.
I know it’s going to be May this week, but here in mid-Michigan, it finally feels like spring. Sort of.
So starts another week of giving 110% to be half the man I could be. And the week started with my usual 6-mile loop on Monday.
Friday’s lumber was a tough one, and I felt sluggish the whole 6.96 miles. So sluggish that I didn’t have another .04 miles in me to hit a perfect 7.
I really don’t think I ate enough the night before, having made some pasta that, by the time it was ready, I really didn’t like (Why do I always fall for the allure of red sauce pasta?). And my morning’s breakfast wasn’t that filling as I opted to not make a breakfast burrito for the first time this week.
Another week of lumbering is in progress, with 18+ miles in the feetz so far, and reasons for mild celebrations, as I went over 2,000 miles hiked on Tuesday.
After nursing multiple injuries (foot/back/knee), I finally got my body sorted out and finished off my first 30-mile week of lumbering since mid-March, getting in 30.10 miles in 5 days, and it felt damn good!
Even with last week’s Dog Dirt incident(s), I managed to get 21 miles in my feet (one of them black and blue at the time). I could have probably got my 30 in, but I was worried about doing too much, too soon, in regards to my knee.
Crap iPhone photo.
Monday Morning
This past weekend was another “lost” weekend, with no hiking or indoor Whooshing but lots of YouTubed stretching and isometric exercises done in an attempt to get my knee feeling better.
Now it’s Monday morning, and admittedly, my knee is feeling much better, but a return to the woods is going to be delayed further due to driving Wifey to and from an outpatient test she’s having done that will have her briefly sedated. There’s been no mention of whether I can get sedated, too, but I am hopeful. ‘C’mon, Propofol!
Since I’ve been forced down to the Not So Stankment to ride the trainer while my knee heals from whatever I did to it, and have no current photos that aren’t of beer, food, or my dogs, I figured I’d show what cameras I’ve been using while hiking the 2023 Comeback Special and 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour.