Author Archive | soiledchamois

Lumens, Lumbers, and Deer

I was up and in the woods at 7:30 AM today with 500 lumens strapped to my head, a full 40+ minutes before the sun fully rose.

It’s been a good 15 years since I consistently recreated outdoors in the dark. However, I’m in the Fall stretch of the 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour, as well as the actual Living Hell that is 2024 America. So, I like to get out for my lumbers, home to run any errands, and back inside before the bulk of rightwing, mid-Michigan rim-lickers start their day of stupidity and fascist idol-worshiping.

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Miles and A Buck 50

I made some idle threats to run on the treadmill over the weekend but opted for voting, watching footy, beers, sexy time, food making, and slack. Not all activities were done at the same time, but some were done concurrently.

Come Monday, I was back in the woods to start another week of lumbering. Now it’s Wednesday, I have 15+ miles in my feetz, and I should hit 110 miles for the month after tomorrow’s effort. Not a bad month for lumbering. I wish I could say as much for the state of my brain, but I’ll take what I can get.

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Bettered By The Leaves

As it’s been documented here, like so many other Americans, my mood has been quite bleak as I navigate my brain through the final days of the 2024 election and all the fear-mongering bullshit that we’re subjected to on a daily basis1. But earlier this week, I had some small interactions that really helped me out in a big way.

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In The Write Mood

It’s been over two weeks since I wrote my last post, and the world is still spinning, so I can confirm that my near-daily blatherings and crap photos of my old guy micro-adventures are not what keeps it doing so.

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Runs, BMIs, and Wild Imaginations

I fully admit my posts have taken on an opinionated, dark tone lately. This is not the person I’ve been working hard for the past few years to become, and I’m committed to trying to get back to my normal goofball shenanigans where for no good reason, I write about crap outdoor fitness activities done by a 53-year-old moron, and other stupid shit that nobody but me cares about.  

— Management

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Finding Motivation With Danzig

After a day off from lumbering to take care of the lawn and staying out of the way of the road pavers, I was back in the woods Friday morning for a “run.”

I had a shit night of sleep, but after a cup of coffee and several “movements,” I somehow forced myself out the door as the sun rose.

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Jackets and Drops

After a rainy Tuesday “run,” later that afternoon, I ran out of things to do to keep my mind from contemplating the shit show of right-wing stupidity that is modern America. So I found myself amongst the landscaping with my macro set up, taking photos in a failing attempt to ease my mind in between rain showers.

I chased around a yellow jacket from rose bush to rose bush, took a few crappy macro shots, and then retreated inside to edit and “clear my mind” with an IPA or twelve.

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