After my second flab flailing run of the week atop the treadmill yesterday (in which I somehow hurt my foot), I was anxious to get back on the bike today. I wasn’t so anxious to get out in the 20˚ temps, but the sun was out, things are bone dry and even if the winter turns pear-shaped tomorrow and shits down an ass ton of snow, this winter is already better than last winter, so I will embrace it and ride (or at least do my interpretation of riding, which these days seems to be rolling along snapping photos whilst I train for nothing in particular except not to move up another pants size).
I hadn’t been on the Farley in about two weeks, choosing to ride my El Mariachi the past couple of snowless rides, but last night I decided to rip the studded Dillinger 4s off and put the Hodags back on so I could once again fatly ramble around the dirt roads surrounding Michiganderburgh.
It was nice to roll on the big fatties again and I took the time to load up the Holga camera with some 200 ISO film in the hopes that I have better luck taking photos that look bad even when they look good. We’ll see when I get the film back!
As I mentioned before, the snow and ice that we did have melted days ago and things are dry and dusty on the dirt roads. It’s still freaking cold, but this season has been the warmest I have been on the bike during the winter since that freakish winter we had a few years back where it was like 90˚ in March. I chalk it up to biting the financial bullet (spread out over a few years) and finally having enough proper winter gear to make things tolerable. Sigh… to me, spending money on cold weather gear is like spending money on toilet paper. Sure, you could use any old brand of toilet paper to cleanse the area betweenst your buttocks, but spending a little extra on the bad ass kind that is woven with locks of angel hair, ribbed and contoured for maximum efficiency, and lubricated with baby tears is soooo worth it in the end (especially after a night of chili, nachos, beer and some Mrs. Renfro’s green salsa). In other words, I have been pretty happy on the bike this winter.
I’d like to say there was all kinds of cool shit that happened and how I suffered, etc., etc., But let’s face it, it was a 25 mile ride on Michigan dirt roads in the cold. Yeah, I had fun, but you don’t want to hear that. So I will just end the post here and with the pic directly above of the stand in tree from the movie The Lorax.