After 15 miles and three days of running and lumbering in heat and humidity, I was stoked when I took the dogs out this morning and felt cooler temps. It felt great to breathe dry(er) air again. Well, at least until Jake dropped a dook. Then things got humid and stank real fast.
Hard Things Aren’t Easy
After I was done spewing the decaying shit in my brain to the O.G. Mindbender last week, we were talking casually, and I mentioned my somewhat steady improved attempts at running and how much of a mental rub and a tug it’s been for me. She was complimentary, but as with many therapists, I could tell she wasn’t extremely impressed.
Shrooms, Tramps, & Fakes
I rebounded from yesterday’s hot and humid “run” nicely and was eager to get into the woods this morning for some photo creeping and lumbering.
But first, I had to wait for Ma Nature to stop the thunderstorms as well as for it to get light out.
Failed Creeps & Hot Runs

Pretend these tacos are deer.
A weekend photo creep never materialized due to not caring, outdoor chores that needed choring, and too much footy to watch. Such is life.
After a week or two of incredible late summer weather with temps in the 70s and cold nights, summer’s back in a big way, and the heat and humidity are crazy, especially for chubby Michiganderburghers who dig doing shit outdoors such as myself.
Heat or no heat, a lumber/run was on tap for Monday morning on my standard 5-mile loop, and I was fully prepared to suffer; I mean, the worst that could happen is that I kill over in a heap of gelatinous beer-scented flesh, and I think most people, including myself, would probably welcome that.
The Art of Polishing Excrement
3.61 miles were all that stood between me and hitting my 25-mile weekly goal in four days, and I was intent on not doing much more than was required today.
I felt well enough during the morning’s lumber/run and THOUGHT I was pushing the pace a bit, given that I was only doing a short loop, but it turns out I was not.
Something Old & Something New
My plan for Thursday was a morning hike at the trails surrounding the Mid Michigan Community College, about 25 minutes north of town.
I can’t remember the last time I rode my bike there, but I think it might have been 2020 or 21, and I am certain that I never hiked or lumbered there (walking a busted derailleur out doesn’t count). I have cross-country skied, and snowshoed there, but those are different beasts for a different time of year. So, this was all new to me.
Little Victories
After a mug of coffee and saying goodbye to Wifey, who was taking advantage of her use-it-or lose-it vacation days and leaving for Pennsylvania to visit her dad, I headed out for my non-runners version of running.
The morning air was downright cold for August, hovering right around 48˚ with not a cloud in the sky. Downright cold, yes, but also downright perfect for a sun-loving, big-boned person such as myself.
The Bundy Hill Volleyball Scene
After a successful Monday morning doing my best interpretation of trail running for 5 miles, I wanted to do something slower on Tuesday, as well as get some time with my camera.
I chose to go to the Bundy Hill Preserve, the highest point in the county, coming in at a whopping 1,270 feet above sea level. It’s no mountain, that’s for sure, but it’s a beautiful wooded area, and its location is along a very rural gravel road that I often frequented on my bike due to the series of climbs on it.
Making More Progress
In my mind I planned to get out for a short lumber with my camera over the weekend, but it never really materialized.
Some of that was due to the fact that I had already hit my weekly mileage goal and lacked motivation, but the main issue was the fact that I was balls deep into the kickoff of the 2024/25 Premier League season (Nerd!). That means early weekend mornings filled with copious amounts of coffee and a big-as-your-head breakfast burrito and then an afternoon spent enjoying adult beverages and listening to music as I catch up on the rest of the European football action. Good times…. good times.
Thinking & A Friday Run
I was recently thinking (I know, I know, I shouldn’t) about this whole lumbering thing I’ve been doing for the past two years, which has sometimes morphed into attempts at trail running, especially recently, and why I have been enjoying it despite not being good at it.