Since I’ve been forced down to the Not So Stankment to ride the trainer while my knee heals from whatever I did to it, and have no current photos that aren’t of beer, food, or my dogs, I figured I’d show what cameras I’ve been using while hiking the 2023 Comeback Special and 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour.
A Moderate Fail
After a week off from hiking, I headed back into the woods on Thursday to finally get some miles in. Or at least that was the plan.
Down But Not Out
Well, that was sort of an odd weekend, with no hiking and no footy other than lame international friendlies, but I’ll take what I can get.
So Many Words, So Little Miles Part 1
This is a big one, people. A GIANT post of ill-written word salad to make you feel better about yourself this weekend.
Well, I’m going to have to chalk this week up as a “lost week,” with only two days of hiking, and neither one of them was void of pain.
Monday’s 6-mile hike was the one that told me that I was fucked in the knee and lower back department. My back injury was brought forth from carrying Jake (The Dog), and my knee is fucked from overuse and being old.
The Hell of Age
This week started off simultaneously good and bad.
Time To Push Further?
After having my weekly mileage goals temporarily stymied by winter, I was stoked to complete my fourth 30-mile week in a row on Friday, with three of the four weeks completed in just five days, leaving me to contemplate the need to increase my weekly goal. Or just continue to recover and slack my ass off when the weekend comes.
Weekends and Beginnings
With 30+ miles in my feet in 5 days, I took all of last weekend off to recover and do basically nothing other than watch football, make a variety of food, and listen to music as I swilled Centennial IPAs and yelled at the match announcers on the TV. Basically, it was like any other afternoon, except I didn’t lumber either day.
30 Miles & More Chunk
I finished off my third 30-mile week of lumbering in a row with a 7-mile hike this morning.
After last week’s psycho-weather, Michiganderburgh has resumed normal Marchness with hike-time temps in the 30s and low 40s and me gradually getting my average speeds back up to 3.7 to 3.9 MPH while still taking a few crappy pics, something I only did once today, and not at all the day before.
Semi Wordless Post
Frozen, Thawed, and Frozen
No matter where you live, people will say that the weather is psycho, except maybe in Pittsburgh, where crazy weather means going more than 24 hours WITHOUT “partly cloudy” skies (which is a nice way of saying “it’s cloudy with a chance of rain, yinz guys.”).