Quick Notes And a Gallery

The week of lumbering is flying by, and I’m currently sitting at a nugget’s hair over 15 miles, with my 25-mile weekly goal on track to finish by the weekend.

What’s not on track is my time spent getting real-life, Cul-De-Sac-ian type crap done, so this post is super short (another gift to you) and heavy on photos from the past two days.

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Late Weekend Posts

For what it’s worth (absolutely nothing, say it again, ya’ll), I had this crap written and ready to go on Sunday morning, but then I got sucked into a vacuous black hole of software updates on an outdated Mac and all the joys that come with it and missed my time frame. So, now I have to edit all over again, AND my Monday post will be pushed back because I feel like if I post two in one day, it makes me look like a psychopath without a real life outside of this digital word salad.

Thanks, management

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Getting Real

It’s 7:20 Wednesday morning and I’m sitting in the room of our house that contains a desk, my computer, and all my camera gear1, wasting time, waiting for my lower intestines to give me the all-clear sign to exit the house for a lumber.

While doing so, I checked the weather. Ho hum, cloudy, 34˚, chance of snow flurrries, winds from 10-20 MPH; yawn, typical Michigan winter. But then I looked at tonight’s forecast; cloudy, snow showers and wind gusts up to FORTY miles per hour. Ma Nature’s kicking shit up a bit! Going to be even more trees down on Thursday.

OK, all clear, time to go.

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A Cold Start

I was once again the first and only car at the trailhead parking lot at 7:45 Monday morning.

The sunlight was just starting to creep over the trees, turning the clouds various shades of pink, red, and orange as I tightened my shoelaces and waited for my Garmin to connect. All the while, a large gaggle of geese in the river were honking away.

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So Much Food

My Cat 5 Cooking exploits are infamous around these parts. And a recent look through my files informed me that I take WAY too many shitty photos of the food I cook and the beers I drink. Certainly, I could be using this brain power for good rather than self-indulgent idiocy. But, as Peter (Criss) allegedly might have said to Paul (Stanley), “Like, whatever it takes to get through the day, man.”

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Lumbers, Menus, and Thanks

I was up at my usual 6 AM on Thanksgiving morning to tend to the dogs and my dumps, and then it was a quick cup of coffee and out the door into the dark to get to the trails before the annual Turkey trot trail race kicked off at 9 AM.

I was sort of pissed about the race happening because I really wanted to attempt it this year! But the last time I Googled it (pre-autumn mental meltdown), all I could find was the 2023 event info. Then, when I woke up this morning, I wanted to double-check, and NOW there was the damn info. Go figure. Perhaps it’s a sign from the Run Dogs that I’m not ready yet.

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Clean Teeth, Lumbers, & A Holiday

Part I, More Tales of the Mundane

After Tuesday morning’s 5-mile lumber, I quickly headed home for breakfast and to shower before heading to the dentist to finally get my teeth cleaned after two weeks of rearranged appointments, sick hygienists, and one annoyed would-be patient.

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