Dealing With The Plague


After a nice ride on Sunday I was feeling pretty good and had a pretty good evening; I had a good dinner, a couple of beers and headed off to bed with plans of hitting the gym in the morning to get back at the weights. But…

When I woke up Monday morning I felt like I got hit by a 10 ton truck of plague-filled rat shit. I chalked this up to the cooler weather I rode in the day before and my need to drink as much coffee as humanly possible before I can function amongst man.

After the 2nd cup of coffee, things still weren’t right, so I popped a couple Tylenol and hoped that would help. It didn’t, and in less than an hour I alternated between sweats, chills, aches and pains coming from every joint and bone in my body. Clearly, this was something bad.

Functioning was out of the questions, working out was something not even considered. With only a freelance project in the works, I put that on the back burner and went to bed until I needed to go pick B-Man up. As I stood there in the courtyard of the school waiting for him, I surely looked like I had just stumbled out of a bottle of Jack and fell face first into a trough of methadone. Sort of like after any race I’ve ever done.

Soon I was on the couch buried under a blanket, shivering, sweating, teeth chattering, sweating, cussing. Was this the flu? How long will I be down for? Oh fuck, why didn’t I get a flu shot like my doctor asked? Shit.

After Wifey got home from work I forced myself to eat a bit and then went to bed at 7 p.m. Most of the night was more of the same: sleep, sweat, chills, overheat, etc.,

When I woke up in the morning to get B-Man up and ready for school, I felt OK, but not great, so as soon as he was out the door I was back to bed until 11 when I woke and felt surprisingly normal. Not great, but WAY more normal. I still have no additional flu or head cold symptoms.

I have no idea what kind of freaking plague I caught, but it sucked. and was the worst that I have felt in a LONG time (through no fault of my own), sure hope this is the end of it and I can get back to normal on Wednesday.

Until then, more of this I suppose…


Plague painting found out the Net.
Photo of Jake The Dog taken by B-Man.

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