After an abbreviated lumber due to the local Thanksgiving turkey trotters, I was anxious to get on the trails on Friday morning to finish off my week of lumbering.

Escape II, Electric Boogaloo
I was the first car in the trail’s parking lot on a COLD sub 25˚ morning and would only be joined by two more cars by the time I finished; one belonging to “Jim and Mary?” (the elderly couple that hikes nearly every day no matter what) and an unknown other.
There was a dusting of snow overnight, and the wind coming off the river covered with geese was bitter cold as I made my way into the near-leafless woods.
I took some pics, enjoyed the cold breeze on my face, and stomped out a 6.10-mile lumber to end the week with 25.85 miles and the month with 108.25, my fourth 100+ mile month in a row (bare with me, I’m grasping at straws to find positives to my crap outdoor fitness antics).
Today definitely felt the coldest in a long time, but after a mile, I was warmed up and feeling good the rest of the way.
Upon finishing, I felt the need to take my first Post Lumber Numb Snotty Face Parking Lot Selfie of the 24/25 winter. Of course, I had to import it into Lightroom to make it less realistic just so it looked more realistic and get rid of the bullshit that Apple bakes into pics to make people look less ugly and feel better about themselves. I’m 53 years old; I think I have some wrinkles! AND I’m ugly.

The Stone Roses hat is back! “Gold’s just around the corner…”
I finished with numb cheeks (all four) and was stoked to get home for a Big as Your Face Breakfast Burrito made up of semi-homemade refried black beans, homemade sausage made with 99% fat-free ground turkey, 1 egg, 3 egg whites, cheese, and hot sauce on big ass flour tortilla. It was probably the biggest meal I’ll eat all day, but worth it!!! I think I had it built and in the oven to warm in less than 10 minutes.
Speaking of selfies (do we have to?), Wifey made me and B take one with her before Thanksgiving dinner last night, and when I saw it, I immediately thought of a photo we took on Christmas Eve in 2004 when B was less than a year old.
There are no two people in the world I love more or feel more myself when I’m around. To think back at everything that has happened since we took that first photo in 2004 blows my mind and the past few days have been great.