Happy (Enough)


As I type this offline, I have no idea if it will ever be seen. While that is probably great news to 99.999% of you, I am less than thrilled.

What happened, you ask? Well, I attempted to update some plugins, and my site went MIA. Wait, wait, hold on a good Goddamn minute, it’s back. Sorry, it looks like you will, unfortunately, see this. And I truly am sorry, because this post will contribute even less to your life than most. And that is saying something!

Why? I just got nothing. I opted for a walk around Meridian Park on Saturday rather than deal with another day of strong winds out on the dirt roads. The walk was refreshing; the sun was out, the breeze was crisp, and I saw some cool wildlife. Sadly, I wasn’t “on,” and the shots that I wanted were taken from too far away, were obstructed by trees, or were missed altogether due to me being very much a non-professional photographer. Oh well, you can’t win them all, and clearly, I did not.

Coyote sighting. Wish it would have been a little closer.

Later that afternoon, I spent time prepping a dinner of BBQ pork sandwiches, homemade coleslaw, baked beans, and mac and cheese. I went all out to satisfy my unusual craving for BBQ and usual craving for carbs. After all the prep, I settled in with some drinks and music on the hi-fi.

Sadly by the time dinner was ready, I didn’t even feel like eating. I was happy (enough) with the way everything turned out but just didn’t care. I ate a bit of it, then packed it away in the fridge, poured a drink, and sat in my chair with the lights out and The Cure playing. While I’m sure this caused alarm for Wifey, I was actually in my Happy (enough) Place.

Someday I will actually get good shot of a duck. Still waiting.

After listening to most of Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, I ate a protein bar and headed to bed to play a word game on my iPad. B eventually came up to say goodnight and joined me in solving a few of the problems before heading back down to his room and a night of online gaming with friends.

So much of the day should have been right: the hike, the wildlife sightings, the dinner, the music, time spent with B, etc. But I was happy (enough) to see the day end, sleep way too long, drink too much coffee, poop way too much, and embrace another day of Pandemic-A-Go-Go 2020 with all the enthusiasm that one would expect from waking up in a global pandemic. Happy (enough) to not be ill with “the” COVID.

Backyard buffet.

After a week of hauling around a big ass lens and DSLR, I think I might go for a walk and just take one of my pocket cameras. I have it in my mind to take my 10-year-old Canon s95. The s95 was not my first camera by a long shot, but it may have been the first camera that I started taking with me on every ride, and was the gateway for me picking up my first digital DSLR and mirrorless systems. I think I might owe that little camera something for helping me make the transition from obsessed cyclist to a fat guy that rides his bike sometimes but is happy (enough) to be outside taking some photos, whether they turn out the way he wanted or not.


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