I ended my last post by saying that I was about to head out onto the front porch to enjoy another cup of coffee and watch the sunrise. And I did, but it sort of hilariously went pear-shaped.
Tag Archives | being a slacker
Unrested & Ready For Nothing
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: it doesn’t matter if you have to go to work or school or not; Monday’s vibes are always shit.
A Slack-ish Day
After 15 miles and three days of running and lumbering in heat and humidity, I was stoked when I took the dogs out this morning and felt cooler temps. It felt great to breathe dry(er) air again. Well, at least until Jake dropped a dook. Then things got humid and stank real fast.
Failed Creeps & Hot Runs

Pretend these tacos are deer.
A weekend photo creep never materialized due to not caring, outdoor chores that needed choring, and too much footy to watch. Such is life.
After a week or two of incredible late summer weather with temps in the 70s and cold nights, summer’s back in a big way, and the heat and humidity are crazy, especially for chubby Michiganderburghers who dig doing shit outdoors such as myself.
Heat or no heat, a lumber/run was on tap for Monday morning on my standard 5-mile loop, and I was fully prepared to suffer; I mean, the worst that could happen is that I kill over in a heap of gelatinous beer-scented flesh, and I think most people, including myself, would probably welcome that.
No Sleep & Slow Miles
I was eager for a lumber at Deerfield on Thursday morning and was in bed Wednesday night just as the sun set.
Sadly, I was wide awake about 4 hours later and would remain so for hours before briefly falling asleep and dreaming about legs covered in mosquito bites that I squeezed like pimples and orange centipede-like worms came out. Needless to say, I passed on breakfast. And I almost thought about passing on the hike.
I did not.
Morning Moods & Miles
I felt good physically after Monday morning’s lumber/run (runber?), and in a perfect world, I would do the same thing again Tuesday, especially since the mood I was in at 6:00 AM called for intense flogging and punishment for unknown reasons, although I have a feeling that it has something to do with still being alive. But it also could have been gas.
Getting Better at Stupid Sh*t
Before I start typing shit that no one, including me, cares about, I am coming clean that I missed my already shortened goal of 25 miles lumbered last week by 5 miles. It was the second failed week in a row.
Or was it?
Lumbers, Runs, Ointments
I had a loose plan to do my version of running on Thursday and found myself at the trailhead parking lot and ready to go at 7:45.
Days Off, Idle Hands
I’m now entering my third day without a lumber. It’s not good, but it’s not bad.
Sunday was spent doing normal Sunday stuff (sans lumber) and included such activities as watching grass grow, making/eating food, drinking beer, flipping through channels looking for some shred of international football to watch (thank you, Scottish Premiership), and having sexy time (not exactly in that order, but sometimes done at the same time).
A Hike & Some Critters
Monday’s early morning 5-mile run in the hot and humid woods really zapped my energy, so I knew that on Tuesday, I would need to dial shit back a little bit and lumber.