Tag Archives | doing stuff

A Comeback Lumber

Monday Morning

This past weekend was another “lost” weekend, with no hiking or indoor Whooshing but lots of YouTubed stretching and isometric exercises done in an attempt to get my knee feeling better.

Now it’s Monday morning, and admittedly, my knee is feeling much better, but a return to the woods is going to be delayed further due to driving Wifey to and from an outpatient test she’s having done that will have her briefly sedated. There’s been no mention of whether I can get sedated, too, but I am hopeful. ‘C’mon, Propofol!

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Time To Push Further?

After having my weekly mileage goals temporarily stymied by winter, I was stoked to complete my fourth 30-mile week in a row on Friday, with three of the four weeks completed in just five days, leaving me to contemplate the need to increase my weekly goal. Or just continue to recover and slack my ass off when the weekend comes.

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Weekends and Beginnings

Red Winged Blackbird in tree

With 30+ miles in my feet in 5 days, I took all of last weekend off to recover and do basically nothing other than watch football, make a variety of food, and listen to music as I swilled Centennial IPAs and yelled at the match announcers on the TV. Basically, it was like any other afternoon, except I didn’t lumber either day.

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Frozen, Thawed, and Frozen

No matter where you live, people will say that the weather is psycho, except maybe in Pittsburgh, where crazy weather means going more than 24 hours WITHOUT “partly cloudy” skies (which is a nice way of saying “it’s cloudy with a chance of rain, yinz guys.”).

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A Tale of Two Weeks

As I sit typing this dross on Sunday, I am trying to put out of my mind that earlier this week, I hammered out 3 lumbers in 3 days and got 18.5 miles in on dry trails before we got hit with a Thursday morning storm that brought 4 to 5 inches of heavy wet snow; the sort that breaks snow shovels.

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Dry Trails, Big Birds, & No Four Giants

Last week, as I tramped over the gravel roads, my gut feeling was that the local trails wouldn’t be completely bare of slippy, packed snow until Monday. However, since I only trust my gut when it’s hungry or has to poop, I attempted to hike those trails on Friday with meh-like results. 

Fast forward here, please. >>>

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Weeks and Lists

I haven’t had what I’d call a “normal” lumber in the woods since the first week in January. The time in between has been spent doing the following:

  1. Snowshoeing.
  2. Walking the park service road.
  3. Gravel Tramping®.
  4. Stumbling and sliding on mushy snow while grinding my teeth down in rage and muttering cuss words.
  5. Drinking too much beer while watching footy on TV as my penis retreats into my winter FUPA against his will. Sorry buddy, I’m working on it.

It’s been a hell of a month, but such is life.

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