Tag Archives | feeling mental

The Delayed Restart

Last week kind of sucked. I did a dirt road ride on Monday due to a continued issue with my right foot, but I wasn’t really into it, so I headed back into the woods at 85% fitness and had next to no fun and only got 16.5 miles in my aching feetz. 

I once again took the weekend off from any outdoor fitness activities and committed to stretching, resting, and watching the last weekend of Premiere League football until August.

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Lumbering With The Z-50

Since I’ve been forced down to the Not So Stankment to ride the trainer while my knee heals from whatever I did to it, and have no current photos that aren’t of beer, food, or my dogs, I figured I’d show what cameras I’ve been using while hiking the 2023 Comeback Special and 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour.

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So Many Words, So Little Miles Part 1

This is a big one, people. A GIANT post of ill-written word salad to make you feel better about yourself this weekend.

Well, I’m going to have to chalk this week up as a “lost week,” with only two days of hiking, and neither one of them was void of pain.

Monday’s 6-mile hike was the one that told me that I was fucked in the knee and lower back department. My back injury was brought forth from carrying Jake (The Dog), and my knee is fucked from overuse and being old.

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