Tag Archives | The 2025 Ignorance is Bliss Tour

Karma And The Cathy’s

The first full week of the 2025 Ignorance is Bliss Tour is in the books, and I have to say it went pretty darn not bad.

I got out Friday morning at the ass crack of dawn, which isn’t actually all that ass-cracky, given the sun doesn’t fully rise until after 8 AM, but still, I was out, and it was pretty early.

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A Recap & Staying “Ignernt”

On September 19th, 2022, I started what I jokingly called the 2022 Not Dead Yet Comeback Special. That was the day I climbed out of The Bed of Torment, laced up some hiking shoes, grabbed my camera, walked right past my garage of bikes, and into the woods to lumber on my own two feetz.

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