Tag Archives | unfunny commentary

Mustachioed Miles

After hitting the Publish button on my last post, I stuffed the Stache (known in some circles of my brain as The Mustachioed Bastard for reasons I will spew forth later) into Escape II and drove to my normal lumbering trails at Deerfield Park. Only this time, there was no lumbering but 11 miles of big wheel cruising through the woods.

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Day Saving Creep

I woke up early Tuesday morning with daylight sneaking through the curtains of the bedroom, a few minutes before my artificial “sun” alarm clock was due to wake me at 6 AM.

Despite the slightly earlier wake-up, I was eager to get the dogs out, get some breakfast in, and plan another ride in lieu of my normal lumbers.

Then things changed.

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On Hold and Rolling With It

OK, the 2024 Lumber Through Hell Tour is temporarily on hold while I let my foot heal from whatever is wrong with it. 

I’m not happy about that, but as luck and hard work with the O.G. Mindbender would have it, I know I have choices and options, and one of those options is riding my gahdamn bike

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No Slug Dump Prison Vacations

Friday’s lumber was a tough one, and I felt sluggish the whole 6.96 miles. So sluggish that I didn’t have another .04 miles in me to hit a perfect 7.

I really don’t think I ate enough the night before, having made some pasta that, by the time it was ready, I really didn’t like (Why do I always fall for the allure of red sauce pasta?). And my morning’s breakfast wasn’t that filling as I opted to not make a breakfast burrito for the first time this week.

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Another Goal Met

After nursing multiple injuries (foot/back/knee), I finally got my body sorted out and finished off my first 30-mile week of lumbering since mid-March, getting in 30.10 miles in 5 days, and it felt damn good!

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Miles and Floor Spitting

Even with last week’s Dog Dirt incident(s), I managed to get 21 miles in my feet (one of them black and blue at the time). I could have probably got my 30 in, but I was worried about doing too much, too soon, in regards to my knee. 

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