Monday, also known as Flu Recovery Day One, was pretty jammed with activities, and I probably should have dialed it back a bit.
The morning’s short lumber was a nice re-introduction to outdoor activities after four solid days of shivering, shaking, snotting, and sleeping. After that, is when I kinda bit off more than my generous jowls maybe could have chewed.
I’m not sure why I felt the need to do all the laundry, wash all the bedding, vacuum, wash down all the kitchen surfaces, fold laundry, make the beds, do the grocery shopping, and make dinner all in about 7 hours.
I think I wanted every reminder of last week’s flu hell out of my life, something easier said than done when you get hit with random bits of coughing out of the blue even though you feel fine.
Still recovering and tired from a busy day, I was in bed by 8 PM and slept SOLID for 10 hours without interruption.
After a giant mug o’ and a big ol’ dump o’, I was on the trails at 7:40 for another lumber, this time hoping to add a little more on as I ease my way back into the world of woodsy lumbering.
Barring some random bursts of projectile phlegm, I felt fine and was able to add on another mile and finished with 4.62 miles in my feetz. I’m hoping that on Wednesday, I can get back to my normal 5 to 6-mile loops and put this sick shit behind me.
I didn’t see a ton to photograph, but just as I was crossing the bridge over the river and about the end of the lumber, I saw what I thought was an eagle in the trees several hundred yards upriver. It was WAY too far away for a quality shot, but I was able to confirm and then take a few minutes to watch it surveying the water below before it stretched its giant wings, took off, did a large swooping turn, and was soon out of sight. It was a nice way to end an otherwise meh-filled lumber.
Can you find Sam?