The Fall Before The Fall

It seems like yesterday (or six days ago) when I was so overheated and drenched with sweat that I needed to stop by a trailside artesian well to douse myself with water to cool down, and today it was 45˚ when I got feetz on trail as the sun was rising. Shit.

Tuesday has become a “run” day for me, but after two days of slack, I didn’t feel ready, so I moved that sorry attempt to Wednesday and focused on doing a lumber today with a few sections of running just to remind my muscles of what’s to come.

Sadly, my muscles reminded me again that I DON’T RUN, and during one early effort, I took off running and immediately tripped over a root the size of an earthworm and ended up on the ground. Unhurt, with only minor bruises to my already bruised ego. It wasn’t the first time I’ve hit the deck over the past two years, and it surely won’t be the last.

I can’t say I’m ready for temps in the 40s yet, but it was still a beautiful morning to be in the woods, and I got 6.5 miles of lumbering in to start the week.

I took the Fuji x70 with me today, but I only took a few photos. Thankfully, it survived the fall.


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