30 Miles & More Chunk

I finished off my third 30-mile week of lumbering in a row with a 7-mile hike this morning.

After last week’s psycho-weather, Michiganderburgh has resumed normal Marchness with hike-time temps in the 30s and low 40s and me gradually getting my average speeds back up to 3.7 to 3.9 MPH while still taking a few crappy pics, something I only did once today, and not at all the day before.

Sadly, I have been getting some sort of muscle pain in my back, surely brought forth by carrying Jake (The Dog) out for his business meetings, and 30.15 in five days did nothing to help it. But hey, my plantar fascia and achilles are doing pretty darn OK, as long as I keep up my stretching and foam rolling!

Oh well, in a bit, it’ll be quittin’ time (sort of), and I can plop my ass on the couch with a heating pad on my back, a beer two, and the TV on multi-screen as I watch football and fold laundry and talking to myself as if someone else is in the room. There are worse things I could be doing, but I’ll probably do that later as well.



Everybody Dies is the most recent single from indie legends, a super fucking amazing live band (I’ve seen them three times), and one of my all-time faves, Superchunk.

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