A Slack-ish Day

After 15 miles and three days of running and lumbering in heat and humidity, I was stoked when I took the dogs out this morning and felt cooler temps. It felt great to breathe dry(er) air again. Well, at least until Jake dropped a dook. Then things got humid and stank real fast.

The two days of “running” in the heat this week really took it out of me, and I really don’t remember the last time I saw an average heart rate that high; 152 and 145, respectively. Not to mention, the sheer amount of sweat I was putting out was insane. Even Tuesday’s low-key lumber at Halls Lake had me drenched.

When you can wring your “moisture-wicking” clothing out like you just got out of a tepid, Michigan inland lake filled with pickled bologna shit and White Claw piss fresh from the “Lake Life”1loving boaters, you know you’re sweating.


With that, my body said “hell no” to a hike or run today, and instead, I took care of the lawn and did our pre-holiday weekend shopping so as to avoid the masses stocking up on the aforementioned pickled bologna and White Claws. Maybe they should pre-order some antibiotics, too.

I also made up an amazing turkey sandwich for lunch using homemade two-ingredient naan bread. The bread turns out so freaking amazing in just a few minutes. I only make enough for one sandwich, or I would sit around the house eating the bread all day!

Should’ve waited 3 minutes when the cheese got melty. #Cat5Cooking (iPhone pic)


#00 from Michi-Chonk State University, Lola (the dog). GO GREEN!! (iPhone pic)

Time to enjoy the rest of my “off day” and give the mutz their second feeding.

Photos: Tufted Titmouse (I LOVE these birds) and the Downy WP were taken today with the Nikon z6.



It’s been ages since I listened to anything from The Cribs, and I don’t know why because every time I do, I dig them the most.

The song Glitters Like Gold dates back to 2012’s album, In the Belly of the Brazen Bull, and is great melodic garage rock.

  1. makes that stupid heart sign with fingers

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