I’m on a streak of late. Sadly it’s not a good one. This streak has included one of two things: not riding, or shit rides. The past three days, the streak continued.
Friday was a day off the bike to get a bunch of stuff done, and Saturday was 13+ hours of travel and soccer spectating as B had two games down state. Sunday was cool and breezy, but an otherwise beautiful day, and should have been a great day for riding, but somehow my legs didn’t get the memo, and the ride was a physical and mental struggle from the first turn of the crank.
I’m pretty sure the highlight of the ride happened before I even left the garage, when I got to admire the new bar tape on the Boone (courtesy of Terry’s Cycle in downtown Alma, Michigan). A bit more garish than my normal basic black, but still has a quiet distinction about itself… like being naked but wearing a bowtie.

Long grass being blown in the wind.
The first thing I noticed when I rolled out into the cul-de-sac was that it was damn chilly for May, and that the wind was way stronger than I anticipated. Heading north and west on the dirt roads was a slow, cold process that had me wanting to turn back for home just a few miles in.

A Chevy Scottsdale, a truck described by Urban Dictionary as an “Old ass shitty truck that pseudo bad ass men drive.”
I pushed on, but I knew that a good ride was not going to be had, so after 12 slow, windy miles I turned for home and would finish with just 23 miles. A shit ride from beginning to end.
I did salvage some good vibes from the day when I got home and went for a 5 mile ride into town and back with B-Man. He wants to be able to ride his bike to his friend’s house in town this summer, so this was a trial run on how to cross one the main roads and navigate town safely. It was a successful mission, but I would be lying if I said I’m not going to be worried sick the first time he goes on his own.
In truth I should have skipped a ride on Sunday, and just recovered from Saturday’s long day of travel, bad eating, and the late bed time. Instead I pushed on, and was dealt shit. I’m really hoping that warmer temps will come to Michigan soon. 55 and windy is great weather in March, but pretty shit for May.
The streak can end any time now, I’ll really be OK with that.