Crunchy Lumbers

With temps already in the high 20s and an expected daytime high in the mid-40s, I knew trail conditions could be “iffy” on Friday morning, but with three good trainer rides already in my meatsticks this week, I really wanted to get outside for some miles in my feetz and hopefully some images on my SD card.

The parking lot was virtually void of snow or ice, but a quick glance down the main park trail told me that I might want to stud up before lumbering on. This proved to be the right decision.

Most of the main trails had been groomed for XC skiing two weeks ago, so even with the warmer temps, it takes forever to melt, and while there were some bare spots of actual dirt, there were also LONG stretches of solid ice pockmarked with footprints, hoofprints, paw prints, ski track, and even a few sections of snow.

Thankfully, the snowy parts were still frozen enough to avoid sinking, and on the icy stretches, my Kahtoola micro-spikes hooked up like a champ with not one slip or slide the entire hike.

Despite the deafening sounds of my feet crunching over ice, I managed to see a few critters and get a few shots, but most birds heard me coming a mile away, and I think the only way I got a shot of the always skittish ducks was due to seeing them during one of the rare ice-free sections.

I was able to get a decent lumber in and oddly finished with the EXACT mileage as Wednesday’s hike; 5.16 miles.

I’m not sure what my “Doing Stuff” plans for the weekend will be. I’d like to do at least one ride inside, but I’m feeling good about my efforts this week, so I might just slack, especially since B is coming home for Spring Break and Wifey will be returning home from her business trip that actually morphed into her leaving early to attend the funeral of her best friend’s father in Pittsburgh. After being alone with my soul-crushing thoughts for a week, it will be nice to see them both. The soul-crushing thoughts will still be there, but at least I’ll have company.


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