Days Off, Idle Hands

I’m now entering my third day without a lumber. It’s not good, but it’s not bad.

Sunday was spent doing normal Sunday stuff (sans lumber) and included such activities as watching grass grow, making/eating food, drinking beer, flipping through channels looking for some shred of international football to watch (thank you, Scottish Premiership), and having sexy time (not exactly in that order, but sometimes done at the same time).

It was also spent being bored out of my mind and shopping for various bandages, pads, creams, ointments, and salves to treat the blister on my heel.

On Monday, my blister was feeling much better, and I think I could have banged out a few miles with no problem, but I thought it best to hold out one more day and hope for a full return to the woods on Tuesday. So, I spent the day doing all the normal Monday cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry while Wifey was in the “real” office for the day.

And, now it’s Tuesday morning, and it’s pissing down ropes of rain and near dark at 8:00 AM. I love hiking in the rain, but I find starting when it’s already pouring a bit hard. I also can’t imagine that the pad/bandage on my heel would stay in place too long with so much water coming down. Someone’s got to slack, it might as well be me.

With that, I started typing this shit because I can only do so much cleaning, the laundry is all done, and Wifey is ensconced in her home office (the one-time spare bedroom formerly known as The Chamber of Farts) on video calls all morning, so that means I can’t fart and burp loudly, act like a nut, or turn the music up to deafening volumes until at least noon.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to enjoy the work my not-so-idle hands will surely get into via the devil. Of course, I don’t know what I’ll do for the other 23 hours and 57 minutes of the day, but I’ll find something.


Note: I took the photo above the other day near the boat launch at Deerfield Park. I THINK they’re gloves, which means I continue my streak of finding gloves (knit, rubber, latex, etc.), even in the middle of summer. But for all I know, they’re slippers for someone with really long toes.

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