Deletes, Deer, Chicken, and Lumbers

I wrote a bunch of stuff today but deleted it because it violated the guidelines I’ve been TRYING to keep in place regarding the shit that goes on in my brain, aiming to keep me miserable. As the saying goes, “Not today, Satan. But I’m free tomorrow around 3; bring beer.”

Instead, let’s talk lumbers.

I got out for 6-mile lumber in the woods today, and that was a mood booster as was making my latest food obsession for lunch: Soiled Shredded Chicken Dippin’ Patties.

Soiled Shredded Chicken Dippin’ Patty with Blue Cheese and Hot Sauce. #Cat5Cooking

The lumber was good, and there were a ton of deer out and about this morning. I think the deer got the memo to return to the safer confines within the park borders rather than grazing in the farm fields that will soon be teeming with hunters.

Summer coat sheddin’.

That works for both the deer and me; they get to safely live and only worry about getting shot by a sweaty hiker wielding a Nikon z50, and I get some semi-OK shots to post here.

This one looks like it’s made of two different deer bodies. AI deer?

Right now, I sit at 17.50 miles on the week. I hope to get out for a “run” tomorrow, which will put me over 20, and then on Saturday, I plan to take advantage of football’s International Break and go hike somewhere new or different, which will surely have me meet or exceed my 25-mile goal.


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