Content with my own thoughts in my own head
That’s because I thought you was dead.
Remember when I did three lumbers in a row last week, and I was stoked to be getting life back to normal and hopeful of hitting my 25-mile weekly lumbering goal for the first time in weeks? Me neither; it seems like years ago.
I came down with flu last Wednesday afternoon (body flu/not ass flu) and was pretty much down and out for 48+ hours. After that, I started the new daily routine of waking up each day feeling like I got hit by a fevered truck filled with aches, pains, chills, and snot and ending each day feeling pretty OK and thinking that tomorrow is the day I’ll be back to normal. Only to wake up the next morning to start the whole process over again.
I had COVID back in 2021, and it was nowhere near as bad as this. In fact, if COVID would have felt like this, I would have been working on my will ASAP.
Happy now, open wide, everything in it’s place and time
Now it’s mine – I hoped you was dead.
Oh well, what doesn’t kill me, yada, yada, yada…
Sunday night, I went to bed at 7:30 and told Wifey that I would probably read for a while. “Reading” lasted about 2 minutes due to fevered, painful eyeballs and soon I was out like a light under a sheet, blanket, and two heavy comforters.
I woke up a while later with wet hair, damp clothes, and clammy skin as Fever Break Part I was in process. I assumed it was 2 or 3 in the morning. It was 11:30 PM. This would be the process every few hours for the rest of the night until 6 AM.
When I woke, despite feeling disgusted by lying in a pool of sweat, I was ache-free for the first time since Wednesday and actually felt like getting up and doing stuff rather than sitting in a chair, staring at nothing, and pouring scolding hot coffee down my throat just to get enough energy to go back to bed so as to get enough energy to get a shower.
Sorrow gone, peace won, five words spurred me on
I thought you was dead.
With Wifey and me both sick for the past 5+ days and Wifey still needing to work, I am BEEEE-hind on my domestic duties; the house is a pigsty and needs a good deep clean, bed sheets need to be laundered, groceries need to be got, and food will need to be made if/when my appetite slowly returns from some time off.
Before I did all those chores and errands, I wanted to get outside for a short lumber to blow the stink and germs off of me. So, I layered up and was in the snowy woods around 8 AM. (Yes, snow, winter won’t end until May).
One week ago today, I did a 6.20-mile hike and was feeling great. This Monday, I was content just to be outside instead of sick and shivering under the covers and was more than content with a short 3.60-mile loop on the main park trail.

Breakfast of champions/sick losers.
Last evening, I had no appetite for anything but pizza, but I had no energy to make my usual pie, so I had one delivered. Strangely, after my hike this morning, all I was hungry for was cold pizza. So, that’s what I had. And then I had the same for lunch. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about dinner because I’m still not hungry for anything else, and I’m out of cold pizza.
Hoping for further improvements as the week goes on, and I’m going to try to take things slowly, lest I end up, well, you know.
And it was so nice, so nice
It’s all been so nice
It was so nice, so nice, so…