Dreary Hikes & Stiff Ones

With my SSL certificate back in place, I think, THINK!, I have the website back up and running. As with most problems I’ve encountered in my life, I fucked enough shit up that I needed to ask for help; repeatedly until I finally got it sorted. It was like the parable of the leper and the unleavened bread from the 2nd season of Fraggle Rock. I think.

Other than getting the site back up and running and B going back to college, it’s been more of the same; daily 4 to 5-mile daily hikes, grey skies (we’re on day 12 of no sun), cool temps, and me making dinner while drinking beer, watching the football, and listening to podcasts until I go to bed. Which most often is around 7:15 PM due to my inability to just sit and watch vapid shit to waste time. I mean, in the battle of lying in bed vs. watching a “don’t-miss” episode of Love Island: Special Victims Unit, lying in bed wins every time! 

And don’t ask me if I’m watching any new series on Netflix or Hulu; I’m pretty sure every mystery was solved, and every screenplayable town loon got their series between March 2020 and June 2021.

 Of course, I did get sucked in [insert sound of vintage vacuum cleaner here] to the three-part documentary Walmsley on YouTube. 

As someone who participated poorly in many endurance mountain bike races in the past, I get easily sucked into any sort of outdoor endurance film, and this doc hit the sweet spot for me; I don’t/can’t run, so I am in awe of ultra running, it makes me long for time in the mountains, and unlike cycling documentaries, I don’t feel any pangs of regret or sadness that I no longer do such events. Yet it still manages to motivate and inspire me to find new outdoor challenges, even if it’s just pushing myself to lumber through the woods a bit further or a bit quicker during the 2023 Soil The Woods Tour.

Speaking of the 23STWT…

Hikes: 11
Miles: 50.32
Average Distance: 4.57
Average Time: 1:19:20
Combined 22NDYCS + 23STWT (Starting 9.19.22): 415.78 miles

OK, time for me to get outside and enjoy the grey skies and cool temps. You have to savor these days because the blue sky, sunshine, and warm temps will return before you know it. [rolls eyes, wonders if 8:00 AM is too early for beer]



Drive fast, drink bad beer, throw up, fight, enjoy the taste of your own blood in your mouth, smoke cheap weed, and wake up in a desolate Australian jail. All possible activities to enjoy whilst listening to DIG by Stiff Richards or any Stiff Richards release! 

Along with DIG, I also highly recommend their self-titled album and the song Ride on Me; Awesome filthy garage punk/rock and roll that hits like Iggy piloting a plane crash.

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