Me last week:
I know that some back and hip pain a few years ago, combined with the lack of a need to “train,” derailed my mountain biking but I’m not sure when I just gave up on it. In any event, I don’t plan on letting that happen anymore. I am promising myself to return to riding trails once a week at the very least.
Me this week:
M: 27 mile dirt road ride (not riding singletrack).
T: Hiked in the Sylvan Solace Preserve (not riding singletrack).
W: Short sub-20 mile dirt road ride (not riding singletrack).
T: “Fuck it, I’m gonna get shit done and then do a quick hike in the Audubon Preserve.” (not riding singletrack)
F: Want a whole lotta love! Every inch of that (singletrack) love!! YES!!
Yes, it took me a while, and despite trying to talk myself out of it with multiple excuses, I got back to the trails of MMCC to do another Every Inch Ride™ for the second week in a row. Meaning of course I rode every inch of singletrack there (between 18 and 20 miles depending on who you ask, what bike computer you have, if you’ve been exposed to any jungle infections within the last 90 days, are pregnant, may become pregnant, or have had intercourse with someone who knows someone who’s pregnant).
While this has only been my second mountain bike ride in a long, long time, I have been feeling unusually good on the bike and I’m sort of shocked that my notoriously bad bike handling skills have not worsened. In fact, I feel like they—dare I say—have actually improved! OR the 50+ pounds of blubber I’ve gradually gained over the last 10 years has slowed me down so much that it’s now virtually impossible for me to fuck up. Who crashes at 5 MPH? Don’t answer that, we know who.
I’m not motivated enough to check but I think I may have doubled 2017’s singletrack mileage in just two rides. I’m not proud of that. Just sayin’.
The trail conditions and weather could not have been more perfect for a ride in the woods. I took the Ricoh GR along for the ride, snapped a couple of pics here and there when I thought I was gonna stroke out, and moved on. The GR fits nice in snug in my bar bag with some ghetto padding added and the little powerhouse allows me to capture some pretty OK pics whilst riding. Well, maybe not these pics, but you know what I mean.
Looking forward to more miles of singletrack in the days, weeks, and months to come, it’s always the perfect mental rub and a tug/enema that I need.
Side note musical blathers that I would post O-pins on Twitter about, but I’m only lurking these days…
- I’m a long time Arctic Monkeys fan and was a little disappointed with the new album (Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino). Having said that I’ve listened to it for a solid week and it has really grown on me. Parts have a nice Bowie swagger to it and some cool lyrics. In my opinion, Alex Turner is a highly underrated lyricist. I wish the music would have been a bit more exciting but I gotta hand it to AC, they always find a way to reinvent themselves. Sort of Blur-like in that respect.
- The new Courtney Barnett album (Tell Me How You Really Feel) is really good. Good lyrics, good indie sound. Dig it.
- Listening to the new Parquet Courts LP (Wide Awake!) right now. Always enjoy listening to them. Love the title of the title track Total Football1. I will likely force myself to like the track based on its name and that Men In Blazers have interviewed the singer the past.
- The new Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks (Sparkle Hard) is also out today. Haven’t had a chance to give the good listen yet, but I’m hopeful it’s better than some recent efforts. Sorry Steve.
Not sure what riding will happen this weekend; I’m working at the shop on Saturday and then B has a mid-day match on Sunday. Whatever.