Firsts and Out

Tomorrow I am leaving the United States for the first time in my life. I’m happy about that and plan on spending the next seven days far away from any news concerning the pathetic excuse for a President we have in the White House. The less I know about what goes on here, the happier I’ll be.

I’m looking forward to our trip to Jamaica, but there some other “firsts” I’m not looking forward to:

  1. I have not spent 7 days away from B-Man in his entire 14+ years of life. Four or five days, yes. But not a full on week without a parent or grandparent.
  2. I have not spent 7 days away from Jake (the dog) in his entire life. Four or five days, yes. But not a full on week. Sigh…

I will miss them both a shit-ton, and worry about them the entire time. But to be honest, it will also be pretty damn nice to escape the cold slush and snow of Michigan for temps like this…

There will be sand, surf, boobs, black market Viagra, and rum. I’m looking forward to time away with Wifey celebrating 21.5 years of this marriage thing, but I’ll also be happy to return safe, see my boys, and focus on trying to get in some sort of shape by spring. There is a LOT of work to do, and the 2+ month bender I’ve been on and last week’s head cold put me behind schedule.

Until next weekend…



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