I Know A Guy (Not Denzel)


I know some people who know some people that rob some people. – Huggy Bear

Actually, I just have a friend who was looking to unload these super fresh XTR pedals he acquired for a “Holy shit! Even I can actually afford that!” price. I LOVE me some XTR. Yeah, yeah, XT shit is good and I dig it the most, but when a good XTR opportunity knocks, I do my best to answer and fork over money.

Non-Bike Randomness

I went out for an hour or so last night to have a Trick or Treat recovery drink with some friends at the M.P. Tap Room. There was a couple sitting near our table who were obviously on a date. I found the amount of time they each spent looking at their phones distracting and a bit uncomfortable. Just when I tried to ignore them, this random snippet of conversation came bursting out of nowhere–

Woman: (over enthusiastically) “I LOVE Denzel Washington! Of course I love Reese Witherspoon too.”
Man: “Really? Have they ever been in a movie together?”
Woman: “God, I have NO idea.”
*long pause*
Man:  “Oh… ” (Takes long draw of his beer, looks at her boobs, then out window with blank stare).

Brilliant. The woman was hot and the dude was not ugly (as dudes go) but they might want to brush up on the ol’ conversational skills. Then again, I’m assuming it was a date, for all I know they were married. Although, I have a feeling if they were married there would have been way more staring blankly out of windows.*

*Note: You do realize that by me typing that last sentence, I will surely be getting a curt email sent to me from Wifey later, don’t you?

UPDATE: 9:49 a.m., curt email received.

Nice. Real nice. – Wifey


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