Nearing The End and The Start

June is done. Thank the dogs above!

June was the WORST month of lumbering I’ve had since I strapped on hiking sneakers and entered the woods on September 19th, 2022.

Injuries, husband-ish duties, weather, more injuries, and my one-man assault on refinishing our deck have all played a part in me completing just over 30 miles of lumbering for the entire month. There is much shame.

Having said all that bullshit, I am about to enter the final phase of the deck, the act of actually staining the deck with a new stain. I’m gripped with fear at the prospect of failure after hundreds of dollars spent and days of relentless sanding, stripping (not the fun kind), and cleaning.

Oh well, it looked like complete shit before I stripped it, I can’t imagine it could look worse. Of course, I can hear the boards creaking in a way that says, “Ha, hold my beer.”

Photos today are of a photogenic cardinal that was hanging out in the backyard on Sunday and shot with the Nikon z6 v.1.

Hoping to return to the woods on foot or bike by the end of the week. Then, I don’t want to look at a deck unless my ass is sitting on it with a cold beer.


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