Ready To Canoodle

Shortly after hitting the publish button on my last post and digesting my daily Soiled Egg (White) Sammich, I gathered my bottles and gear, found my fender, stuffed myself into some too-small bibs and the only jersey I have that fits, and headed out for a SLIGHTLY Better Than The Trainer Ride™ before any rain moved back into the area.

The mid-morning air was thick, moist, and womb-like, and that made for copious amounts of sweat over the short 21.5-mile ride that was about a 40/60 split between rural pavement and dirt roads made a tad soft by early morning thunderstorms.

After waking up in the wee hours of the morning to the sound of pouring rain, I was stoked to have got some outdoor exercise in. I really thought I would be forced down into the Not-So-Stankment to get in some miles going nowhere on the Dreadmill or the Magic Zwift Machine. Win.

July 1 was the unofficial official start of Operation Normal Size Me, and I like the direction the scale is going! And for the first time in a long time, I am hopeful about getting to my goal weight in the future; if I’m still alive that far in the future.

Jank & sketchy hunting blind/outhouse.

I am also happy with how I’m feeling on the bike, and like the first minute of a Tinder date, I think I’m ready to take it to the next level. By “next level,” I mean I am ready to increase my mileage up to the 25-30 mark when time and weather allows. If I dwell on the fact that I’m happy about maybe getting back to doing mere 25-30 mile rides, I’ll want to lay down in the street and let an e-bike run over me! So instead, I will focus on the positive directions my fitness and weight are finally going and embrace those future added miles like the awkward first-minute canoodlings of the aforementioned Tinder date.


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