Shins, Deer, and Moods

I needed to get 4.75 miles in over the weekend to meet my 25-mile goal, and I am sorry to report that it didn’t happen.

At some point late last week, I hit my shin on something. I think it was when I was carrying our carpet shampooer vacuum thing-a-ma-jig, but it could have been any number of things in the woods, garage, or yard.

Anyway, that minor knock to the shin resulted in painful blood pooling and tightness on my shin, which felt all too much like past blood clots I’ve had in my calf.1 Obviously it’s not a clot, but it is/was painful and hard to enjoy anything.

Ironically enough, the reason my blood pools like that after an injury is because of the blood thinners I take to avoid blood clots or at least dying from one. The dying, I could give a fuck about these days, but my luck, I’d stroke out and be a vegetable for the rest of my days.

So, I took two days off from doing stuff which resulted in a shit mood that I can’t shake.

Phone pic.

Finally, early Monday morning, I got out for a 6+ mile hike in the woods.

The hike was uneventful, other than the fact that I forgot to put the battery in my camera and that, for some reason, my Garmin watch was not recording a proper heart rate. I REALLY don’t think that someone my age and weight has a heart rate of 50 BPM while hiking.

With that, I only had my phone for pics, and according to my watch, I burned about as many calories as I do while taking a dump.

The only positive thing about Monday was finding out that I don’t have to report for jury duty until next Monday.


Note second deer in background.

Tuesday was another chance to be as subpar as I could, and my mind funk is now into its third day. Since there’s nothing like a walk in the woods to get my mind endlessly racing with thoughts of feeling isolated, powerless, and hopeless as the country sinks into a vat of Trump shit, I headed to the woods to Rage Hike.

One deer…


Or three deer.

I stomped out a 6-mile lumber and saw my normal gang of deer, who, at this point, I believe, are actually starting to recognize me and are unfazed when I raise the camera to photograph them. I wish I could say the same for the buck that I saw not long after the pic above.

With my mind clouded, a jacked-up shin, and a knee that decided to bother me upon waking on Tuesday, I’ve been in no mood to run. Just mindlessly walking, trying to burn some calories and keep myself out of The Bed of Torment before returning home for breakfast, barely remembering what I had just done.

2+ years of passing The Bung Tree and I’ve never seen this happen.

Oh well, I’ve lumbered 12 miles in the two days and plan on more miles on Wednesday before taking Thursday off to see Doctor Bob for a checkup.


B was shooting the Ohio State v MSU game on Saturday night and got some amazing images. As I was watching on TV, I caught a glimpse of him doing his thing. Always great to see my boy out in the wild doing what he does. He also shared a pic that a friend took of him as he was shooting.

First pic is a screen grab I took, the rest belong to Brennan and MSU.


  1. You may remember when I bruised my toes back in May; the same thing happened to my foot.

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