After a dismal start to the week, I ended with four (mostly) gravel rides in a row Wednesday through Saturday, hitting roads south, north, south, and then north again. You would think spending nearly 8 hours on the bike over four days would yield some big miles, well, you would be wrong!
I found myself way more interested in taking photos, taking in the peaceful surroundings, and talking to the cows than I did with how fast I was going or how many miles I was racking up. Vive la junk miles!!
Megapixels > Miles
I spent some time lurking around the property of one of my favorite abandoned farmsteads taking photos. I don’t think the abandoned structures and vehicles that litter the property are long for this worlds so I wanted to get some shots and bask in the rural decay while I could. I put together a post and slide show of shots from that property on junkmilesmedia.com if you want to check it out.
Friday night Wifey and I went out with some friends for dinner and few a beers. It was nice to get out for a date night and relax. It was also nice to sleep in a bit on Saturday morning! Of course, after a week of getting up at 6 AM, 8 AM feels like sleeping in.
Not sleeping the morning away was a good move since it allowed me to get up, eat, edit some photos and plan out a ride.
I headed north of town on Saturday and got about 33 miles in. Of course, if you add in the time I spent skulking around taking photos I probably averaged about 11 miles per hour. C’est la vie.1
The weather of late has been absolutely perfect for riding, autumn like temps, sunshine and dry roads. Hoping the coming week proves as fruitful with the rides.
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As you can see here, rather than post endless amount of photos in my posts, I am utilizing a new slideshow plugin. I hope to use this more here and at JunkMilesMedia.com. I find that it’s been easier and “funner” to let the photos do most of the talking (you’re welcome) and this plugin seems to be the one that works best for both desktop and mobile viewing. It also allows me to add a crap ton more photos to posts without the post going on forever.
Taking Sunday off the bike to goof off and then go to a pre-Labor Day picnic that some friends of ours are hosting.