Tag Archives | fucking weather

More Bunny Tales

Over the past couple of years, I have had a couple posts about rabbits.

There was the time I accidentally hit one with my car as I drove to the trails to lumber and, ironically, attempt to take photos of wildlife. That one hit hard.

Then, last summer, there were three baby bunnies, alone, snuggled up in a small hole in the backyard, that I had to safely remove before mowing the grass and then saw them reunite with Mama Bunny before bed that night.

Now I have another one.

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A Sunshine Stomp

After five days inside with my ass alternating between Whooshing on the trainer and relaxing on the couch, I was back in the woods on Tuesday morning for a snowshoe.

The -1˚ morning temps made me less than enthused to return to the woods, but it did warm up to 3˚ by the time my feet were on the trail, so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.

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Starting Somewhere

My three-day streak of nothingness continues (sort of).

The 2025 Ignorance is Bliss Tour (#stayignernt) has hit a snag in the form of no actual lumbering happening outdoors due to the extreme cold and my lack of owning “extreme” cold weather gear. I’m pretty good with the stuff I have down into the single digits, but extended time below-zero type stuff starts to be “shit for the birds,” as Grandma Helen used to say. I also have little desire to be out in such temps, especially since my camera battery would hold a charge for about 10 minutes in -4˚ temps (the temp as of 8:25 AM) and leave me with nothing to distract me from said extreme cold.

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That Time of Year

Two weeks ago, I lumbered over 30 miles and felt great. Last week, I lumbered 20 miles on slippy, lumpy snow and felt like an aching bag of shit by the end. Come the weekend, I sat my fat ass inside and did nothing. Then, I woke up Monday morning at 6 AM, rolled over, farted twice, looked at the -1˚ weather icon on my phone, and said, “fuck it.”

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Shortened Goals, Finished Leftovers

I wish I had something of interest to blather on about, but alas, things have been “samey” here the past few days years: get up in the dark, feed Lola, coffee up, dump out, layer up, drive to the trails, lumber for 4 miles in the snow, have it feel like 10, go home, wish for spring, make a cappuccino, shower, get my shit done, and then end the day watching football. Followed by making food, having a beer, going to bed, and doing it all again the next day.

On the one hand, that’s a pretty good day; on the other hand, it’s a prime example of trying to make the best out of the long, cold, dark month of January. It’s survival mode, with one eye on spring and the other on the dismal weather forecast.

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Post-Slack Returns

Before I blather on for no reason whatsoever about the mundane, goofball stuff I do, I wanted to take a second to give a shout-out to the readers and folks I’ve got to know over the years from the Los Angeles and Southern California area. I hope you, your families, and your homes are all safe. Be careful out there.

OK, now on, with tales of my blissful ignorance whilst walking in the woods with my camera.

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Lumber and Fun Facts

With about a mile left in my lumber on Wednesday, I passed Mary(?) and Jim(?) coming in the opposite direction. Mary is usually the more talkative of the two when we pass, but this time, Jim said, “It’s going to be something else tomorrow!”

I was confused for a second, but then I remembered the weather forecast: a high of 16˚, windy conditions, and light snow. “Oh, yeah, I saw that! Gonna have to bundle up!”

And the weather people were not wrong.

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Getting Real

It’s 7:20 Wednesday morning and I’m sitting in the room of our house that contains a desk, my computer, and all my camera gear1, wasting time, waiting for my lower intestines to give me the all-clear sign to exit the house for a lumber.

While doing so, I checked the weather. Ho hum, cloudy, 34˚, chance of snow flurrries, winds from 10-20 MPH; yawn, typical Michigan winter. But then I looked at tonight’s forecast; cloudy, snow showers and wind gusts up to FORTY miles per hour. Ma Nature’s kicking shit up a bit! Going to be even more trees down on Thursday.

OK, all clear, time to go.

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