The Hateful Eights

At the risk of violating my 2023 resolution, I have been deep into a late summer funk brought forth by my ongoing battle with heel pain, B heading back to MSU tomorrow, a burning hatred for half the country (and 95% of mid-Michigan’s population), and my long-perfected loathing for myself and my extensive list of shortcoming and failures as a man. 

Additionally, I have also been made aware by persons close to me that my lack of desire to “go out” for social interactions has become unacceptable. 

I mean, if you’re keeping track, I’m sure it MIGHT look bad to have only gone out twice in 2023; back in February, I was made to go to a local winery against my will one evening, which resulted in an argument, and in April, I went to see the live Bad Friends podcast in Detroit. I truly believe social interaction in public roughly once every 106 days is plenty, but I’ve been told differently. 

Apparently, some people dig going out to pay for shitty service, while a dude with unwashed hands and high out of his mind on cheap weed cooks shitty too-salty food for them as they drink overpriced beer poured through skank tap lines at a wobbly table while surrounded by a room full of gun-carrying, bigoted, racist Trump-loving mother fuckers in camo Realtree coats who vote how Pastor Jim wants them to. Yeah, sign me the fuck up.

To be fair, I also don’t like going out with people who do think the way I do because half the evening is spent talking about how fucking shitty things are. I can avoid both by staying at home, sitting in my comfy chair watching footy, and ingesting whatever I can to stop thinking. Period.

But I will work on it. I make no promises due to a 100% not giving a fuck, but I will try. Maybe. Sort of.

So that is the “hateful” part of this post; the rest is just me pointing out that despite some continued discomfort in my right heel, I have had some great lumbers/rage hikes of late and have gone over 8 miles twice in the past week setting P.R.s all over the fucking place. No other fat man can walk fast in the woods like me!

On the flip side, when I did my reduced-speed 5-mile “chill” hike in a steady drizzle on Tuesday, I felt like I could have walked forever. It was the most peaceful and content my mind has been in ages.

I have been leaving my camera at home on the days I plan on lumbering more than five miles, so pics are few and far between as of late, but I manage to snag a few.

Time to get some shit done and then get ready for the O.G. Mindbender later today, where we plan to work on why I hate going out. If I thought she wouldn’t kick me out of her office or call the police, I would just read her this post.


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