The Sounds of Muddy Vomit


This week’s weather has been less than desirable, and for whatever reason I have had a bitch of a time dodging the rain since Monday’s mountain bike ride. Today however I somehow got my ass out the door, on the road and back before the cold, steady rains returned.

Like most of the rides I do when I am just trying to squeeze a ride in, it wasn’t all that long– coming in at just about 1:35– but I was on my bike, getting some miles in and outside… and that’s all there really all is, right? OK, there’s a lot more than that, like muddy roads.


Or muddy roads AND fall leaves. By the way did you know that the sound of cross tires rolling on soggy Michigan dirt roads sounds sort of like a long, never ended stream of vomit hitting pavement? It does, I swear.


There was also more barns… there is always more barns.


Or more likely the SAME barns that I take photos of over and over.

Ten minutes after I came home and dug into a leftover burrito, a steady rain started and continued all day and into the night. I have a feeling there will be more sounds of muddy vomit in my future.

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